Start, Shutdown, Login and Logout
C. BinKadal --- Sendirian, Berhad

List of Contents

Debian Start (Boot)

Try to start (boot) your Virtual Debian Machine for the first time.


To switch from one console to another, use HOST-KEY+Function. The HOST-KEY varies from system to system.

  • For Linux, the HOST-KEY is <ALT>
  • Windows, the HOST-KEY is <CTRL ALT>


  • tty1: HOST-KEY F1
  • tty2: HOST-KEY F2
  • tty3: HOST-KEY F3
  • etc.

Login tty1 (HOST-KEY F1)

Try to log in to your Virtual Debian Machine for the first time (tty1).

  • Account Name (e.g.): cbkadal
    • Remember: you are not cbkadal!
  • Console Terminal: tty1

Login tty2 (HOST-KEY F2)

  • Console Terminal: tty2

Login tty3 (HOST-KEY F3)

  • Console Terminal: tty3


To turn off your system, you can either Shutdown, Poweroff, or ACPI Shutdown (VirtualBox only).


To turn off your system, you can either Shutdown, Poweroff, or ACPI Shutdown (VirtualBox only).

ACPI Shutdown (VirtualBox only)

To turn off your system, you can either Shutdown, Poweroff, or ACPI Shutdown (VirtualBox only).

ssh for the fist time

Most will run the Virtual Machine on a Microsoft Windows-based HOST. But, some may use a GNU/Linux-based HOST. The following illustrates running SSH from a Microsoft Windows host and GNU/Linux. In this example, port 22 (guest) is mapped to port 6022 (host).

ssh -p 6022 cbkadal@localhost


If you get a WARNING like the following, delete the .ssh/known-host file on the host.

del .\.ssh\known_hosts
ssh -p 6022 cbkadal@localhost


An alternative to “ssh” is “slogin”.

slogin -p 6022 cbkadal@localhost

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